Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Alpha Male Character

Who is the Alpha Male? Well, I went hunting for photos of the alpha male and ended up surprised. I expected to land on a photo of a half dressed muscle bound god of a male model that was completely drool worthy and spiked up everyone's libido. I ran into plenty of them, sure. However, none of them said alpha to me. Why? It was in their face, their boyish quest for approval, their preening for the camera, their seeking of attention. The alpha male doesn't seek attention. He simply receives it. (Don't worry; I'll do a post on the muscle bound god in the near future. Just hold onto your drool for a little while.)

So what makes an alpha male? To me it is not physical strength alone, nor is it beauty. It is intelligence, self-possession, confidence, and the ability to accomplish goals. In my estimation, an alpha character is strong internally and doesn't vacillate between decisions. He doesn't jump to conclusions. He is admired by other characters and drives the plot.

The image I chose is not a man who is smiling for the camera. It is a man squinting at the camera in a thoughtful way. He is not waiting to see what you think of him. He is not trying to please you. Instead of troubling himself with the frivolous, he is assessing you instead! In return, you are concerned with what he concludes about you. That is why he has your attention. That is the alpha male.


Shameless Self-Promotion (I need all of your support!) 

1 comment:

  1. If you would like an alternative to casually picking up girls and trying to find out the right thing to do...

    If you would prefer to have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in filthy pubs and night clubs...

    Then I urge you to play this eye-opening video to find out a strange secret that might get you your very own harem of hot women just 24 hours from now:



I'd love to hear your comments!