Sunday, February 16, 2014

An Empty Fridge

So, my Dad looks in my fridge this morning and says, "Man, you're not getting nuttin out of here but a cool breeze!" (My parents drove three hours yesterday to visit with me and spent the night.)

 The photo is not my fridge, but the contents in mine are somewhat similar. Apparently, the freezer contents were even worse... I won't repeat what he said about that.

Thankfully, my fridge isn't empty because I'm broke. It could be worse. It is empty because I am unbelievably busy. Or perhaps it is empty because it is lower on the priority list.

This week I've listed my book for a Goodreads giveaway, and LibraryThing giveaway, did a submittal for Bookbub (yet to be approved), sent my book to a TON of reviewers who all have different submittal requirements, accidentally deleted all my blog photos, reattached all my blog photos, sent numerous twitters, deleted 500 twitter people I was following who hadn't signed on for 30 days, had a birthday, revamped my book description, wrote up a press release, started on my media kit, and cleaned my house from top to bottom for my parents' visit.

All of that work was on top of a 40 plus hour day job. This book promoting work takes so much time, yet is so important that I just let other things fall off the list.

Let me just say that if I didn't have a day job my fridge would look worse than what is above so I must work on promoting the book. Yet, I suppose I should go shopping today.

My response to my father was, "You can choose. You either get a clean house with your visit, or a full fridge. I do not have time for both."  But I know what will really happen. Next time he will either bring groceries or his own food! I have to stop blogging right now because I'm laughing too hard.


Shameless Self-Promotion 

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